- 22'
- Author : Paul Comiti
- 13-11-2010
- Master : 1915
Afghanistan: marines in the heart of hell | Reportage | Arte
Over a period of a month, reporter Tony Comiti shared the daily lives of an American Marine platoon in Helmand Province, Southern Afghanistan. Lieutenant Scott and his men have to hold an enclave that is surrounded by Taliban, who launch daily attacks. In three months he has already lost three of his men: ten per cent of his force. The platoon’s morale is starting to wilt. “We have no business in this country. Even Karzai wants to bring the Taliban into the government, the guys who are shooting at us! And when we leave it’ll start all over again like before!” Frustrated, conscious that they have lost the war, these kids, armed to the teeth, confide to the camera: their motivations, their doubts, the hate that fills them, their spirit of vengeance. “I signed up to kill, nobody wants to admit it here, but that’s what we’re here for…” explains Tom, 21. As Corporal Jack Richards relates, “When I go back home I’m going to make love to my wife for three days and I’m going to take care of my daughter and become a history teacher.” Unfortunately, the corporal will never go home. One week after this interview he was blown up by a mine as he led the way for his comrades. Close combat, moments of relaxation, the camera forms an intimate bond with these young men from America, who wonder why Washington sent them to hell. This report is a chronicle of war.