
  • 51'
  • Author : Camille Courcy
  • 11-06-2013
  • Master : 2245

ALEPPO – SYRIA, LIVING WITH THE WAR | France 5 | Le Monde en face

This documentary, the work of a young, curious and bold journalist, tell the story of the daily lives of the citizens of Aleppo, Syria’s second city, in a country in the throes of a terrible civil war. It’s the chronicle of a conflict as seen by those who take part in it or suffer from it. After a first visit in January this year, during which she takes the pulse of the city as she films the citizens going about their daily lives, Camille Courcy returns in April to film for this documentary screened in this edition of Le Monde en face devoted to Syria. From the start, the 22 year-old chooses to follow the rebels in Aleppo, those in the areas they call “liberated”. Former bakers, taxi drivers, engineers, teachers or lawyers, those opposing the regime are mostly improvised fighters, with no military experience. Men, but also some women, learning as best they can to use guns and rockets, to be useful in this “craftsman’s” revolution. Accompanied by a translator, the director gives anonymous citizens a voice, citizens who, though they may not share the same dreams for the future, have risen up to bring down the dictatorial power that is in place, personified by Bashar al-Assad. From Nour, the “sniper” woman, who chose to follow her husband to the front line, to Zacharia, who abandoned everything to join the revolution, by way of little Abu Oudaheh, whose exceptional voice galvanizes the crowd during the weekly Friday demonstration, they all tell the story of their war. In her film, Camille Courcy constructs a mosaic of portraits of Syrian rebels who reveal their humanity, their plurality, their fears, but also their few joys. She also shows, day after day, a conflict that seems to be lasting forever.

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