- 26'
- Author : Patrick Dedole
- 28-05-2002
- Master : 1232
DHEA : Myth and reality of eternal youth | Demain tous | M6
Lots of ink has been spilled about it since April 2000 and it has stirred up the dream of eternal youth–the hormone DHEA. But what does it do? Is it useful or dangerous? Who needs it? We went to meet men and women in France and in the United States who have been fighting the battle against aging for a number of years already thanks to this Fountain of Youth hormone. Simone, a Frenchwoman, 80 years old, lives in Los Angeles. She has been taking DHEA for almost ten years. For her, there’s no doubt that this hormone which she purchases in the States in any vitamin shop” is a miracle remedy. Her intellectual and physical energy is a means of trying to show that DHEA has real powers to turn back the clock. In France, Corinne, age 29, without medical consultation, has not hesitated to take strong doses of this hormone which she obtains through Internet.. This documentary gives information about DHEA and tries to explain if this hormone represents medical progress or the triumph of marketing…. Does one have to stay young and beautiful now to succeed with a career? Manners evolve, taboos fall, and little by little youth and beauty become the criteria for professional success. Dictatorship of youth, identity crisis, cult of performance or something gone wrong in society? The desire to have the perfect “employable face” is growing greater among men–in ten years, their number has doubled. This film lifts the curtain on the subject and frankly explains how men and women today consider plastic surgery “as a professional investment.” Having an operation on the eyelids, a lifting, capillary implants, teeth whitening or a “complete overhaul” to get a “star’s smile” can also be a person’s way of reconciling himself to himself, and to get that perfect “employable face.””