
Doctors of Tomorrow - Season 2 episodes 1 & 2
  • 60' - 61'
  • Author : Guillaume Barthélémy
  • 11-06-2012
  • Master : 2079 - 2080

Doctors of Tomorrow – Season 2 episodes 1 & 2 | Les séries du réel | France 4

As in Season 1, Guillaume Bathélemy and his crew spent several months filming young interns who all aspire to become great doctors. However, in Season 2, two new portraits are added to those of Adrien and Marie-Odile, both internes in ER. We now meet David and Delphine. For the latter the situation has changed. Now senior registrars, they are in the front line. In the first season David was finishing his intern training in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Aged 29, he now holds the post of senior registrar at the Marseilles’ North Hospital. David now deals with his patients on his own. He no longer has a superior to support him, but an intern, whom he, in his turn, must now train. At the Foch hospital in Suresnes (Hauts-de-Seine), Delphine has finally established herself amongst the elite echelons of thoracic surgery. However, this 30 year-old knows that a new recruit is always around the corner. For David and Delphine their new posts increase their responsibilities and the time they spend in theatre and at the bedside. However, the most striking images of this documentary series are those that show the skill of the two surgeons. The camera follows the minute, delicate work demonstrated by David: the operation for a whitlow, a severed finger or a broken hand requires several hours of manipulation, often to the very millemetre. The same mastery and precision is shown by Delphine. To which is added, in the case of organ transplants, the stress inherent in a veritable race against the clock to retrieve the organ from the donor. Yet, if David and Delphine are clearly already members of the surgical elite in France, they nevertheless remain humble and clear-sighted. Without complex they speak frankly of their doubts and their anxieties. An openness that does them credit within a profession rarely given to sharing confidences.

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