- 52'
- Author : Michaëlle Gagnet
- 21-10-2012
- Master : 2162
Home-owners at any price: the inferno of the property sector | Doc du dimanche | France 5
The property sector in France is a monster. At 343 billion Euros, or 20% of GDP, in 2009, it’s the biggest source of added value in the French economy. So, to get a slice of such a cake, companies and individuals resort to a wealth of inventiveness. From the indelicate promoter to the traffic in building permits, by way of the slum landlords and falsified rental applications, anything goes to partake in the number one dream of the French: to have a roof over one’s head. With the crisis, the market is even more stretched, the stakes have risen and real estate scams are on the increase. This documentary carries out an investigation into those new style “scams” that continually push back the limits of the law…