
Pablo Escobar: the King of Cocaine
  • 69'
  • Authors : Manolo d'Arthuys, Renaud Fessaguet
  • 24-05-2011
  • Master : 1863/1874

Pablo Escobar: the King of Cocaine | France 2 | La Grande Traque

Pablo Escobar was surely the most hunted man in the world. At the beginning of the 90s, the whole of the Colombian police force, as well as the American DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and CIA and even a specially created elite division, The Search Section, were on his trail, from Bogotá to Medellin. Renaud Fessaguet and Manolo d’Arthuys, along with those who organised them, relive those long hours of pursuit in the equatorial jungle, where Escobar and had gone to ground in sumptuous villas surrounded by priceless works of art. 

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