
  • 87'
  • Authors : Nicolas Vescovacci, Kevin Denzler
  • 20-10-2024
  • Master : 3592

TAX FRAUD | M6 | Zone Interdite

According to Gabriel Attal, in 2022, tax evasion broke another record with 14.6 billion euros… But according to the Ministry of the Economy, the sum is far more astronomical: every year, over 10% of France’s GDP – or more than 250 billion euros – escapes any form of taxation. This money may disappear from the taxman’s radar, but it doesn’t evaporate. It circulates in hidden networks, before being laundered in the real economy. Cash, the product of fraud, is the raw material of these networks.

From the cleaning lady paid under the table, to the dishonest restaurateur who “forgets” to declare a few thousand euros, from the notary to the crooked accountant, from the building contractor to the criminal networks, champions of VAT carousels, fraud is a playground practiced in all strata of society. This film tells the story of fraud and fraudsters in all their forms, as well as the hunt for them by Bercy agents and the police’s various financial brigades. Thanks to our accesses, we will describe, in sequences, its actors, its mechanisms and its networks, and above all answer one question: is the state’s response up to the challenge of fraud?

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